

Estate Planning, Business, & Probate Resources
Mississippi Estate Planning Lawyer

You’ve Finally Done Your Healthcare Directives – Now What?

Healthcare directives are vitally important. These important documents can mean the difference between your health care wishes being carried out or family members fighting over whether a...
Mississippi Estate Planning Lawyer

Umbrella Insurance: What It Is and Why You Need It

Lawsuits are everywhere. What happens when you are found to be at fault in an accident, and a significant judgment is entered against you? A child dives...
Mississippi Estate Planning Lawyer

If You’re 70 and Have Considerable Assets, Should You Consider Medicaid Planning?

There are many factors to consider when deciding whether or not to implement Medicaid planning.  If you’re in good health, now would be the prime time to...
Mississippi Estate Planning Lawyer

Overview of Life Estates

Establishing a Life Estate is a relatively simple process in which you transfer your property to your children, while retaining your right to use and live in...
Mississippi Estate Planning Lawyer

Negotiating a Commercial Lease? Be Sure to Address These Issues

When it comes time for your business to move into a new commercial space, make sure you consider the terms of your lease agreement from both business...
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