
Estate Planning
Estate Planning During Recession
Many people prefer to pinch their pennies during a financial downturn, and we understand why many consider estate planning a luxury. It’s reasonable to want to avoid the upfront costs of creating or making significant updates to their estate plan in preparation for a recession. However, for Mississippi residents and business owners, a valid and...
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Business Estate Planning
An estate plan is an essential tool for anybody looking to protect and control their hard-earned wealth and assets. This is especially true for business owners. Whether you’re running a legacy business to pass down to your loved ones or simply want to ensure your wishes are protected in your absence, building an estate plan...
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Mississippi Estate Planning Lawyer
Properly drafted estate planning documents are integral to the success of your legacy and end-of-life wishes. Iron-clad estate planning documents, written by a knowledgeable attorney can make the difference between the success and failure of having your wishes carried out. However, there’s more to estate planning than paperwork. For your wishes to have the best...
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Mississippi Estate Planning Lawyer
A family feud over an inheritance is not a game and there is no prize package at the end of the show. Rather, disputes over who gets your property after your death can drag on for years and deplete your entire estate. When most people are preparing their estate plans, they execute wills and living...
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Mississippi Estate Planning Lawyer
Establishing a Life Estate is a relatively simple process in which you transfer your property to your children, while retaining your right to use and live in the property. Life Estates are used to avoid probate, maximize tax benefits and protect the real property from potential long-term care expenses you may incur in your later...
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